Friday, October 5, 2012


We have some interesting events planned for Samhain
Anyone wanting to know the origins of the world famous Halloween celebrations would be well advised to come along..
30th & 31st October 2012

Medb's Samhain,

A performance, telling some of the stories connecting Queen Medb, the warrior queen of Connacht, and the festival of Samhain.
(€5 per person)  2pm

A Tour of the Cave of The Cats,

The spiritual and legendary history of  the cave known at one time as the Hellmouth of Ireland,  Oweynagat and its importance at Samhain.
(€5 per person)    3pm

And only on   Tuesday  30th October 2012

Above Earth, Below Earth

Poetry and  Art Multimedia  Presentation With  poet Michael O’Dea and artist Elaine Leigh. The Poet and Artist explore themes on Megalithic sites, their legends and stories, especially relevant at this time of year at  5pm

Special price on Tuesday for all events.

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