Monday, February 4, 2013

Rathcroghan Conference Event 2013

Rathcroghan is one of four Royal and Ritual sites in Ireland, home to the Uí Brian and O'Conor Kingships, the legendary Queen Maeve, and is noted as the starting point for Ireland’s greatest literary epic, an Táin Bó Cúailnge (the Cattle Raid of Cooley).

Bookings and Details for this Roscommon Event -

April 12th - 14th 2013
The Rathcroghan Conference is part of the Rathcroghan Legacy Project, the aim of which is to develop a deeper connection between Roscommon people and our rich ancestral heritage. This conference event in Roscommon will be part of the Gathering Ireland 2013.

The north Roscommon regions of Rathcroghan, Carnfree and Tulsk have been studied intently over the years, through projects lead by John Waddell of the National University of Ireland, Galway, and the Discovery Programme - Ireland's archaeological research institute. The aim of the annual Rathcroghan Conference is to highlight the great work carried out by these groups, and to promote the continued research and study of Rathcroghan and other important Irish sites in light of new and exciting findings. The Rathcroghan Conference, and the Rathcroghan Legacy project, are organised and facilitated by Rathcroghan Visitor Centre, Cruachan Aí, Tulsk, Co. Roscommon.

Full conference details on new website at

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