For Information on the Goddess Gathering 2013, with special guest speakers Dr. Vivianne Crowley, and Janet Farrar, please visit us at www.IrishGoddess.com
and register your interest through the online form!
Spiritual Capital of Connacht Conference Weekend, Tulsk, Co Roscommon
Event theme is “Connecting with the Land”, and we are delighted to announce our new spiritual conference event in Roscommon:
Since before history the West & Northwest of Ireland has been a place with a spiritual resonance. A place where Christian scholars kept civilisation alive. A place where belief and landscape merge. A place where you can feel things you can’t touch, where you experience an authentic unspoilt nature and timeless faith. A place where you can open your heart and lift your spirits – Ireland’s Spiritual Heartland.
The ceremonial and spiritual capital of this region is Rathcroghan, in County Roscommon – this is the legendary Cruachan, palace and sacred centre for the Druids, Kings and Queens of Connacht all through the ages.
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November 2011
€20 for Weekend Ticket!
€15 value Day Pass for Saturday talks, Individual Price = €5 per talk
(Saturday Pre-Booked Day Pass only €12!)
(Saturday Pre-Booked Day Pass only €12!)
« Deirdre Wadding of Tall Tales Troubadors
Song of the Land. Every place has its own sound and song; listening for it and singing it back to the land forges a connection. Exploring the ‘Song of Amairgin’ from Irish legend, the use of our native language in magical work, and how the land responds!
« Lora O’Brien, Irish Author and Bean Draoí
Goddesses of Connacht: From Medb to the Morrigan, we all know the usual suspects. But what of Flidhais, she of Castlerea sovereignty? What of Gaillimh inion Breasail, and does her aspect have an effect on the many Brazilians who are drawn to the West of Ireland?! And even Mongfind and Cairenn, ancient rivals who between them birthed the Connachta and the Uí Niall clans? Recommended for those who want to explore their feminine side; will include journeying and self development work, along with a healthy dose of Irish heritage information.
« John Sinnott, B.A. Arch, of Irish Heritage Crafts
Sacred Sites: Care and Responsibility. A qualified Archaeologist, Alexandrian 1* and member of Cois Teallaigh Coven in County Roscommon, John has extensive experience working with sacred sites, through both the archaeological and pagan fields. This talk was designed to show that many practices which are viewed as quite standard among pagans, could actually damage the sites we profess to care for.
« Francis De’Venney, of Faol Lia Historical Re-enactment Society
Land and Ancestors. A fascinating insight into the ancient Irish psyche, from an anthropologist and accomplished practitioner of 30+ years experience
« Talas Pái of Roscommon’s Huginn Press
Working With the Wights. The numinous is all around us, from temples and trees to your house and car. In this talk, Talas takes an animistic approach to working with the wights, sidhe, vaettir and other spirits. The talk ranges from theoretical to practical — what the wights are and where they fit into the cosmos to how, where and why to approach and work with them.
« Con Connor of Roscommon’s Druid School
Eachtra, a Celtic dreaming, guided visualisation journey with the Cauldron of Vocation and the Realm of Land. Eachtra is the White Mare as the Celtic Goddess and we journey with her to meet the Ancestor Clan where we get an individual message as spiritual guidance.
« Del Eagle, (Sunday Morning, 2 Talks)
Flower Essences and how they are made, the connection between Earth and Sky
Tantra, the connection between Earth/Body and Spirit
Appointments available with Readers (Tarot, etc) and Healers, therapists.
(Individual Booking Costs will apply!)
Spiritual Capital of Connacht
Conference Weekend, Tulsk, Co Roscommon
Saturday 26th November 2011
10am – 10.45am
Deirdre Wadding
Song of the Land
11am – 11.45am
Lora O’Brien
Goddesses of Connacht
12noon – 12.45pm
John Sinnott
Sacred Sites: Care and Responsibility
Talas Pái
Working with the Wights/Spirits
3pm – 3.45pm
Fran De’Venney
Land and Ancestors
4pm – 5pm
Con Connor
Eachtra, a Celtic dreaming
Individual price - €5 per talk/workshop
Value Day Ticket – just €15!
Spiritual Capital of Connacht
Conference Weekend, Tulsk, Co Roscommon
Sunday 27th November 2011
11am – 11.45am
Del Eagle
Tantra Connection
12noon – 12.45am
Del Eagle
Bach Flower Essences
Individual price - €5 per talk/workshop
Value Weekend Ticket – just €20!
(all talks & workshops, Saturday & Sunday)
Sunday Afternoon from 2pm to 5pm
Appointments Available
with Healers and Readers
Individual Booking Costs will apply!
Booking on 071 9639268