Upcoming events in Roscommon for March include:
- Jewellery & Accessorizing Workshop: with Chatterbox Designs, Boyle. Tues evening, 8th March 7.30pm — 9pm. Cost is €5 per person, which includes a free Raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Have you ever wondered what accessories would look exactly right with that special occasion or favourite outfit? Now you can avail of expert advice and sharing of ideas. Bring along your favourite outfits to accessorise!
- Introduction to Archaeology: Part 2 - Talk & Presentation, with archaeologist John Sinnott on Thursday 10th Feb 8pm to 9.30. Cost is €4 per person, includes free tea/coffee.

- Children’s Workshop: Saint Patrick Talk and Crafts, Saturday 12th March 2pm — 4pm. Cost is €4 per person, with a family ticket for just €10! Includes materials & drinks. Learn the fascinating history of Patrick's influence on our local area, while engaged in arts and crafts projects relevant to St Patrick's Day.
- Patchwork Class: with Beatrice Egan, Saturday 19th March 2pm — 4pm. Cost is €7 per person, includes materials, free tea/coffee. Please bring any materials or projects you are working on, complete beginners also very welcome!
- Living History Club: for children of a primary school age. Tuesdays, 4pm — 5.30pm. €4 per child, per session, includes materials & drinks.
This is a recreational club for kids, dedicated to actively engaging local children with the heritage of Rathcroghan through historical re-enactment which will include: demonstrations by experts, hands on research, dramatic recreations, with a programme of fun, practical activities and events throughout the year. The aims are to bring heritage to life for those participating in the Living History Club, and for all those attending events which come of it. We will explore local history and heritage by learning about and creating/using for ourselves the costumes, weaponry, foods, music, art and crafts of different historical periods, and participating in community events through the year.

Have you experienced fear, stress, lack of confidence, difficulty sleeping, anxiety about exams ?
Bach Flower Essences are a very simple method of healing. They work in a gentle and subtle way to help us cope with the emotional states encountered in our daily lives. Anxiety, fear, guilt, insecurity and many other emotional issues can be greatly helped with this gentle method of healing.
Come along to Cruachan Ai on Saturday 26th have a chat, and discover for yourself the 38 Bach Flower remedies - including Five Flower, the 'Rescue Remedy' - which can help you with these issues, and many more. Learn how to use the remedies & select your own remedies, and as an optional extra, you can receive your own personalised and professionally crafted remedy mix at a special 1 day promotion price.
BOOKING NECESSARY: Please book your place with a €20 deposit at Cruachan Ai, before 20th March. By post, send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Del Eagle' to us at Cruachan Ai Heritage Centre, Tulsk, Co Roscommon. Don't forget to include your name and phone number, and an email address if possible.
Del Eagle trained with the well known author & founder of 'Healing Herbs' Bach Essences, Julian Barnard, at his centre, near Abergavenny, South Wales. For the past number of years, she has been helping many individuals discover the subtle but powerful ways Bach Essences work.
Every Tuesday Morning - Irish Conversation social meets in Coffee@Keoghs. 11am to 12.
March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th.
Every Thursday Morning - Cruachan Crafters in Cruachan Aí Centre, 10am to 12.
March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st.
Second Wednesday of every month – Writers Club in Cruachan Ai Centre, 10am to 12.
March 9th.
Last Wed of every month – Irish Conversation social meets in Tulsk Inn, 7pm to 8.
March 30th.
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