ANGEL THERAPY COURSE starts Friday, 3rd June · 8pm - 10pm
Run over a 5 week period and covering all the major questions you may have with regard to Psychic, Spiritual and Angelic development, in an honest and easy to understand manner. The course is run by a natural born healer and psychic who has been qualified in the fields of Integrated Energy Therapy, Magical Angel Therapies, Mediumship, and Angel Counseling.
Course content includes introductions to: Know thyself through meditations, Grounding and protection, Understanding Auras and Chakras, Crystals and Card readings, Healing and personal Angels, Spirit guides, Mediumship, plus lots more fun spiritual stuff... all questions will be answered!
To book your place, call Caroline on 0894549087

Kids Medieval Pottery Workshop
with Jaqui Wright
Saturday 4th June
Part of Rathcroghan Living History Club programme. Learn how to make two pieces of medieval pottery complete with glazing and decoration!
10am – 4pm, bring a packed lunch.
€7 per child – family discounts available. Places limited to 10 children, so book your place now!
Walking Club - Meet at Cruachan Aí Heritage Centre, Sunday mornings, 12 noon, for a gentle 5km route on back lanes around Tulsk. Family friendly, suitable for all ages - get fit, enjoy the area, and get a relaxing social walk in good company. Free Guided Walks available once a month: spot the local interest features you never even knew were there!
Don't forget the Centre and Cafe are open Sundays 12 to 4pm all through Summer!
The Curlew Warrior 10k Race
Cruachan Aí Heritage Centre staff and volunteers, including Faol Lia Re-enactment Society, will be supporting the Race, in aid of the MS Society of Roscommon.
From 10am on Sunday 19th June we will be in Boyle to promote the event, with examples of costume, weaponry and fighting of the Irish in the late 1500's, when the Battle of Curlew Pass took place.
More information available from Tony Byrne on 086 2324020 or by email: tbyrne@indigo.ie
Medieval Tulsk Talks and Tours
Saturday 25th June · 2pm to 5pm
in Cruachan Ai Heritage Centre
Part of the Medieval Midsummer weekend. From 2pm, a selection of academic Talks provided by experts, both local and national, and including costumed guided tours of Medieval Tulsk.
2pm, "Ogham in Medieval Ireland", by John Paul Patton, author of 'The Poet's Ogham: A Living Magical Tradition'.
Buy your copy here - The Poet's Ogham.
Full Programme TBA, supported by the Heritage Council of Ireland
Midsummer Craft Fair
26 June · 13:00 - 17:00
Art/Hand Craft Stalls, & Holistic Therapies - in association with the Cruachan Crafters and Tulsk Medieval Festival. Relax, de-stress, and enjoy the Festival atmosphere. Unique shopping for all the family!
Have you an art or craft hobby that could make you some cash? To encourage and support local enterprise, we are offering stall tables on a donation basis only - no set stall fee - just a small securing deposit which can be refunded, or topped up, on the day. Ring us now to book your place on 071 9639268, or email enquiries@cruachanai.com
Pride of Roscommon
Schools Poster Competition
26th June · 1.30 - 2pm
Results & Prizes will be announced and awarded at 1.30pm on Sunday 26th June, in Cruachan Ai Heritage Centre, Tulsk, Co. Roscommon.
Families Welcome!
Medieval Tulsk Family Fun Day
Sunday 26th June · Programmed events from 2pm to 5pm
Location: O'Connor's Parkland, Beside Cruachan Ai Heritage Centre
• Birds of Prey - flying shows from 2pm -4pm
• Medieval pottery displays and kids workshops
• Leather crafts display and demos
• Medieval foods display and demos
• Wandering Medieval Juggler/Magician
• Costumed storytellers and drumming, from 2pm -5pm
• Archery displays and ‘have a go’ archery
• Battle re-enactments, 2pm and 4pm, plus display and demo
• Children’s Battle training and drill from 2.30pm, demo at 3pm
• Costumed Face painters
• Napoleonic costume and musketry displays and demo
Full Programme TBA
Every Thursday Morning - Cruachan Crafters in Cruachan Aí Heritage Centre, 10am to 12.noon.
June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Second Wednesday of every month – Writers Club in Cruachan Aí Heritage Centre, 10am to 12 noon.
June 8th
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