THIS POST IS FOR 2012 EVENTS! For this year, please see January & February Events 2013
St. Brigid’s Cross Workshop
Wednesday 1st February, come any time from 2pm to 4.30pm
Learn how to make these traditional Irish symbols to help bring the healing and strength of St. Brigid, Mary of the Gael, into your life this year.
See different styles and examples, and some of the history and associations of this time of year. Family €10, Individual €4, includes free tea, coffee, and juice for the kids.
Imbolg Candlelit Procession
Community celebration to welcome Spring. Gather in Rathcroghan Carpark at 5pm on Wednesday 1st February, finished by 6pm.
Irish Gods and Goddesses Workshop
Saturday 24th February, 2pm to 5pm - Find your connection with the old Gods of Ireland. Cost €10, includes free tea and coffee.
Tarot Workshop
Sunday 25th February, 2pm to 5pm – practical introduction to the history, use and skill of reading tarot cards. Cost €10, includes free tea and coffee.
Cruachan Crafters - Weekly Meeting
Thursday mornings, 10am to 12noon. Cruachan Aí Heritage centre, Tulsk. Great social networking, creative inspiration and support for all Crafters… what are you waiting for?!
Wool Scrappage Scheme
Do you have any old balls of wool, bits of fabric, or other craft items, lying around and cluttering up your house? Why not clear the air by donating them to the Cruachan Crafters community Wool Scrappage Scheme? All donations kindly received at the Cruachan Ai Centre, Tulsk, and will be utilized in upcoming community projects.
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