Winter Solstice
Grianstad an Gheimhridh
The Winter Solstice is the
time of year when we experience our shortest day and longest night - the sun is
at its lowest point in the sky at noon and midnight is the darkest point of the
year. It is known as Yule in many parts of Europe, this derives from the
Norse word jól, referring to the Winter Solstice
festival. Ancient people celebrated the rebirth of the Sun God and the days becoming
longer and lighter.
In Ireland the ancient traditions of the land at the Winter
Solstice had been celebrated here since Neolithic times. Ancient farmers had to
have knowledge of the changing seasons and the turning of the year.
Bru na Boinne in Co. Meath is the
sacred mid-winter site. The sun rises on the five mid-winter days and shines,
in turn, into each of the mounds at different times during the day; starting
with the main mound at Newgrange where the first light strikes the stone with
five spirals at the end of the passage, and ends at Dowth, ‘Darkness’, as the
last rays fade at sunset. It is a very ancient and powerful ritual of Sun

In the ancient tradition the
Goddess Tailltiu, as Mother, gave birth to Lugh, the Sun God, at the Winter Solstice. At this time our ancestors celebrated the expulsion of evil winter
spirits. It was considered a mysterious and powerful time, for it is at this
point the sun begins to make the return journey across our skies.
After the longest night of the year the
sun is seen as growing stronger and the return of the warmer season is
anticipated, the concept of rebirth became strongly associated with the Winter
For five days around the Solstice our ancestors celebrated the return of light and the sun growing in strength. The well-known figure of Father Christmas may have derived from this Sun God worship including Lugh, the ancient Irish Sun God, who travels across the sky at this time.
The Solstice was celebrated with
bonfires to stimulate the ascent of the sun, and lamps or candles illuminating
houses decorated with evergreens to simulate summer. It is a time to look on
the past year's achievements. The days will now grow longer up to the summer
solstice. Fires were lit to symbolize the heat, light and promise of a spring and
summer by the returning sun. A Yule or Juul Log was brought into the house and
burned on the hearth in honour of the Scandinavian God Thor. In Scandinavia a
piece of the log was kept as both a token of good luck and as kindling for the
following year’s log.
Traditionally in England, Germany, France and other European
countries, the Yule log was burned until nothing but ash remained. The ashes
were then collected and either used on the fields as fertilizer, being
scattered every night until Twelfth Night, or kept as a charm and or to use in
medicine. In France, people believed that if the ashes were kept under the bed,
they would protect the house against thunder and lightning. The Yule Log came to Ireland with the Vikings and has been taken up as the Bogdeal, the "bloc na Greihbain”.
The pine tree is related to this Solstice
as it is with mid-summer. Its bright
light and invigorating scent when burned were thought to have a purifying
effect and protect against evil spirits when used on ceremonial bonfires. It is
connected to birth and brightness, perhaps because of its evergreen properties
and resinous burning abilities. Its
thinner branches can be used a torches and give a bright clear light. Bog pine is
especially prized for the Bloc Nollaig or Yule log.
medieval times, the decorated log was ceremoniously carried into the home on
Christmas Eve in a remembrance of the pine logs used in the sacred fires, and
placed in the fireplace. Traditionally this was lit with the saved stump of
last year's log, and then it was burnt over the twelve days of the winter
celebration, and its ashes and stump were kept until the following year to
sprinkle on the new log, so that the fortune would be passed on from year to
In France and Germany ashes from the Yule log were mixed with the cattle feed to ensure their health and in other regions the ash was sprinkled around fruit trees to increase their yield of fruit.
Another Solstice tradition among the druids was the
cutting of the mistletoe.
Druids considered the mistletoe‘s poisonous pearly
white berries to be drops of the Oak God's semen, much as the red holly berries
were drops of the life-giving lunar blood of the Goddess Hel (Holle). Thus the
mistletoe acquired fertility significance. Druids 'castrated' the old oak god by
cutting the mistletoe with a golden sickle, and catching it in a white cloth
before it could touch the ground, thus letting the new young king take the throne.
An Cailleach Bheur, The Winter Hag, is also a symbol of this
season. The Cailleach displays several traits befitting the personification of
Winter: she herds deer, she fights off Spring, and her staff freezes the
Together with the
goddess Brìgid, the Cailleach is seen as a deity ruling the winter months between
Samhainn (1 November or first day of winter) and Bealltainn (1 May or first day
of summer), while Brìgid rules the summer months between Bealltainn and
Samhainn. Some have the Cailleach and Brìgid as two faces of the same goddess,
while others describe the Cailleach as turning to stone on Bealltainn and
reverting to her own form on Samhainn in time to rule over the winter months.
Depending on local climate, the transfer of power between the winter goddess
and the summer goddess is celebrated any time between Là Fhèill Brìghde (1February)
at the earliest, Latha na Cailliche (25 March or Lady Day), or Bealltainn (1
May) at the latest, and the local festivals marking the arrival of the first
signs of spring may be named after either the Cailleach or Brìgid. Là
Fhèill Brìghde is also the day the Cailleach gathers her firewood for the rest
of the winter.
Legend has it that if she intends to make the winter last a good
while longer, she will make sure the weather on 1 February is bright and sunny,
so she can gather plenty of firewood to keep herself warm in the coming months.
As a result, people are generally relieved if Là Fhèill Brìghde is a day of
foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep, will soon run out of
firewood, and therefore winter is almost over. On the Isle of Man, where She is
known as Caillagh ny Groamagh, the Cailleach is said to have been seen on St.
Brigid's Day in the form of a gigantic bird, carrying sticks in her beak.
In Scotland, the
Cailleachan (lit. 'old women') are also known as The Storm Hags, and seen as
personifications of the elemental powers of nature, especially in a destructive
aspect. They are said to be particularly active in raising the windstorms of
spring, during the period known as A' Chailleach.
Meán Geimhridh
Winter Solstice
21st December-24th
1. Children survey the countryside for holly,
ivy, bay and other evergreens for cutting. Holly with berries is especially prized.
2. Winter
Solstice wreaths were traditionally made
of evergreens and holly and ivy. Holly represents the female and ivy the male
and the wreath's circle symbolizes the wheel of the year. Both holly and ivy
were used as protection in the home against bad spirits
3. Obtain a special log of wood for the festive fire - Bogdeal, the "bloc na Greihbain”.
4. Before the festival clean house and farmyard thoroughly. Clean
outbuildings and yard entrances, passageways and surroundings. White-wash all
buildings inside and out. Sweep, wash and clean the house. Do major laundering-
include everything. Clean tables and chairs. Clean pots and pans.
5. Make or buy Poítin. Make sure you have at least a quart available.
6. Lay in a good supply of fuel for heating.
7. Clean the Chimney using a prickly bush pulled up and down, do not use
holly for this, that would be an insult to the Spirits who inhabit it.
8. Cut
coloured paper scraps into adornments, such as sun, moon and stars, or use
needle and thread to stitch loose pieces of holly onto linen in patterns or
seasonal mottoes.
9. Where
mistletoe is found you can decorate with it, hang it in a place where people
pass, traditionally the girl kissed under it receives a gift from the boy.
10. Leave a bowl
of water out to be blessed by those travelling on such a night, this water will be used for cures.
11. Decorate byre and stable with evergreens and provide a special lantern
12. Place a
small wreath of holly, yew or other evergreens on family graves especially on the
grave of one who has died during the year.
13. Children tie
sprigs of holly on cow's horns.
14. Remind
children that a faerie stands on every spike of holly leaf this night and all
15. Make
Ivy garlands. Whiten ivy berries with whiting or starch.
16. Light
the large candle with prayers and incantations for a peaceful winter and a plentiful summer.
Compiled by B D'Alton
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